Friday, March 13, 2009

semuanya memerlukan usaha dan kerajinan

salam....tiada semua di dunia ni membolehkan kita mendapat pendapatan secara percuma...perlukan sedikit usaha,kerajinan dan kepercayaan anda INSYAALLAH...semua berjalan dengan lancar...

ingin belajar caranya???

anda tahu apa itu MLM @ multilevel marketing????
bagi siapa yang tahu pasti akan rasa ia sejenis bisnes yang membebankan....
TAPI tidak di bawah syarikat kami AL INSAAN...

anda ingin melihat web kami???

mudah sahaja anda boleh pilih account mana yang anda rasa mampu....

>RM 20 untuk membership kad infrared...(dapat discount untuk produk la hong ka and perkhidmatan Car International)

> RM300 classic account (dapat 2set produk gamat & spirulina)
tugas anda hanya perlu mencari 2 orang untuk join bisnes ini...sungguh mudah bukan????

setiap yang anda modal kan anda akan dapat pulangan bukan sahaja anda dapat produk malah anda akan dapat pendapatan max RM400 sehari.

kalau anda rasa sangsi anda boleh telefon saya sofie 012-6037146. saya akan ceritakan dengan lebih lanjut.

kami juga ada membuat talk setiap rabu malam di bangunan LO HONG KA seri kembangan bersebelahan south city plaza....

terbuka untuk semua...
jangan risau produk ini halal bg pengguna MUSLIM...

Lo Hong Ka Spirulina Plus
Free radicals are “highly reactive molecules” which cause serious damage to living tissues and cells, thereby leading to the acceleration of our aging process! Internally, our bodies produce free radicals as a result of normal metabolic processes. Externally, free radicals abound in the air we breathe eg. air pollution; cigarette smoke etc. Repeated assaults by free radicals on our bodies lead to the increased risk of diseases such as cancer.
Today’s hectic lifestyle has led to many people consuming an unbalanced diet, which in turn, causes healt h problems like malnutrition and obesity. Lo Hong Ka Spirulina Plus is perhaps one reliable solution to alleviate these conditions.
The nutritional content for Lo Hong Ka Spirulina Plus is superior to other plant-sourced products. It contains 70% of complete protein, which are three times higher than soybean, and it has the full range of essential amino acids, which can fulfil our bodies’ protein requirements.
In addition, Lo Hong Ka Spirulina Plus contains high amounts of fiber and various types of vitamins and minerals such as vitamin A, D, E, B12, beta-carotene, iron, magnesium, zinc and so on. Its antioxidant properties protect our kidneys from the toxic effects of mercury. Due to their soft cell walls, spirulina is easily digested and absorbed by our bodies. As a result, spirulina is considered as the “world’s healthiest food”.
Lo Hong Ka Spirulina Plus provides over 60 types of nutrients to energize our cells. Wheatgrass and red rice have been added to boost its efficacy and benefits. Lo Hong Ka Spirulina Plus is ideal for the whole family, especially for children who are fussy about food.
By applying advanced technology, production of Lo Hong Ka Spirulina Plus has undergone several steps such as plantation, filtration, purification, sterilization and dehydration processes. Lo Hong Ka Spirulina Plus is a 100% safe, natural and balanced alkaline food product. It does not contain any artificial flavour.
Spirulina’s Benefits:
1. Acts as antioxidant to reduce risk of diseases
Protects body cells from damage by oxidation of free radicals
Protects our skin from UV radiation
Discharges radioactive materials from human body
2. Anti-aging effects
Prevents growth of grey hair, wrinkles, liver spots, and pigmentation
Enhances brain functions
3. Enhances immune system and lessen allergic responses
Activates immune cells in our body
Block the release of histamine
4. Prevents development of kidney stone
Protects against kidney damage from consuming prescription drugs
Protects kidney against mercury poisoning
5. Enhances digestive system
Increases beneficial intestinal flora in order to enhance nutrient absorption
Improves bowel movement and prevent constipation
6. Helps in weight loss
Reduces the desire to have high calorie foods
Helps one to feel “full” thus, reducing appetite
7. Enhances in formation and development of red blood cells
enhances body's ability to generate new red blood cells
8. High concentration with nutrient value
Contains various of vitamins: vitamin B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, B12, C, D and E
Contains various types of minerals: iron, calcium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, selenium, sodium and zinc
Contains 70% of complete protein with all essential amino acids in perfect balance
9. Prevents cardiovascular diseases
Lowers cholesterol level
Prevents heart damage
Reduces severity of strokes
Wheatgrass’ Benefits:
Abundant in vitamins (Vitamin A, Vitamin C ) and minerals (Calcium, Iron)
Rich in protein (20%) – important as building block of bones, muscles, cartilage, skin, and blood
Source of chlorophyll - helps to normalise high blood pressure and stimulates healthy growth of cell tissues
Contains enzymes - help in digesting toxins in our body
Contains anti-tumour properties
Strengthens immune system
Slows ageing process
Red Rice’s Benefits:
Helps to reduce low-density lipoprotein (LDL) level
Improves nervous system
Anti-cancer properties
Spirulina Powder
Wheatgrass (Triticum Aestivum) Powder
Red Rice (Oryza Sativa)
Magnesium Stearate
Who needs Lo Hong Ka Spirulina Plus?
It provides benefits to:
People who are exposed to radiation (like spending much time in front of the computer.)
People who are undergoing radiation therapy.
People who may have unbalanced diet (e.g. students, vegetarians or people who are working to hectic schedules).
Children who do not like to eat vegetables.
People who tend towards obesity or poor weight management.
People who have high cholesterol, kidney problems or anaemia.
Dosage and Direction of Use:
Children: consume 1-3 tablets with lukewarm boiled water and take twice daily.
Adults: consume 4-8 tablets with lukewarm boiled water and take twice daily.

The miracle nutraceutical from the seas…
Consumed for generations as “Gamat” to Malays and “Hai Shen” to the Chinese, the nutrient-rich sea cucumber(Stichopus) is a marine animal with an elongated, cucumber-like shaped body. There are more than 1,000 species of Stichopus and many have been identified to have beneficial effects on our health. It is a very precious marine product and known to contain bio-active substances that destroy micro-organisms. It also contains cell growth factor which has the ability to accelerate the regeneration of biological cells, bone, collagen and rejuvenates skin. The Malays have been using it as a traditional medicine to treat a variety of ailments including cuts, wounds, skin eruptions, parasitic skin infections, ulcers, backaches, joint/rheumatic pains, heartburn/gastritis, and for promoting womb healing after delivery.
Fast Facts
Type: Invertebrate Diet: Omnivore Average lifespan in the wild: 5 to 10 years Size: 0.75 in to 6.5 ft (2 to 200 cm)
Ingredients Each 1ml contains: Stichopus Variegatus 220mg
1. contains cell growth factors (CGF)
· help regenerate new cells, bone, collagen and skin for anti-aging effects
· CGF explains why sea cucumber capable of reattaching itself and growing as one when cut into half
2. contains saponins and mucopolysaccharides
· help improve the body's resistance towards various diseases, from common flu to more chronic diseases, including diabetes and cancer
· lower blood sugar, cholesterol and triglycerides
3. contains glucosamine, chondroitin sulphate, collagen
· benefit sufferers of arthritic joint pains
4. contains vitamins A, C, B1, B2, B3, and E
· anti-oxidant effects for youthful appearance
· slow down the degeneration process of cells and hence delays aging
5. contains iron, manganese, calcium, magnesium and zinc
· supply our body with essential minerals for normal body functioning
6. contains high proportion of protein and amino acids
· synthesis both of tissue proteins and other non-protein nitrogenous compounds
· formation of skin, hair, cartilage, muscles, tendons and ligaments
· provide structure to the body cells of organism
7.contains eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and decosahexaenoic acid (DHA)
· for healthy brain and cardio-vascular function
8. contains NO cholesterol!
Why Insaan Jelly Gamat is better for you?Insaan Gamat is an extract of bio-active compounds with a potency of 200% more than other brands of gamat in the market. The strictest standards are maintained during the extraction process, using the best and cleanest bio-technology procedures.Presented in consistent jelly form and with a refreshing winter-melon flavour, Insaan Jelly Gamat is an excellent daily tonic for young and old!
Directions of UseConsume one tablespoon each time, twice daily.

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